Tuesday, 26 November 2013

New Workshop for January 2014

After heaps of inquiries we are planning a small Workshop for January 2014.
Dates are Monday 20th - Tuesday 21st & Wednesday 22nd.
Limited places so book early!

2nd November Workshop

A full house for this one and 8 fine looking Wooden Boards.

Bernie - Paul - Chris - Jay - Julian - Marcus - Mark
and Swellnets roving reporter for Phillip Island - Gio

1st November Workshop

Another Workshop in fine Melbourne weather, a couple of SUPs as well!

Mike - Dave - Lachlan - Simon - Jake

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Tree to Sea Australia Short Film

The Tree to Sea Australia Short Film has been completed, It's been produced by our good friend Dave Mac from HM Creative. Music on the Film is by Jamroots, a group of local musicians from the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria.

The official launch is on Friday Night the 6th of December at Sound Bar in Rosebud Vic where Jam Roots will be playing live with the film. 

The Film shows what it's like to attend a Wooden Surfboard Workshop, the people you can meet and the buzz you get from making your our Wooden Surfboard!